Real Estate Showcase, Vol.23 No.12 - 2

most famous landmarks is 'The Loop"—where walkers, runners, roller-bladers, babies in strollers and dogs on leashes come together for social exercise.

Just before the bridge over Banks Channel and the Intracoastal Waterway, to the right of Causeway Drive, is the charming area of South Harbor Island. It's bounded by Island Drive and S. Channel Drive to the west and east and Myrtle Street and Point Place are its two most southern streets.

If you can visualize Harbor Island as looking like something like an old work boot surrounded by water, South Harbor Island would be the toe of that boot.

We asked Mark Andrew Saulnier, a local architect who also specializes in historic restoration, to help identify some of the styles represented by the roughly 100 or so homes that make up South Harbor Island. Daniel Thompson, a local Realtor andaoeven-year resident of South Harbor Island, joined us on an informal walking tour.

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